How We Can Worship God with Our Lives

You know how you can read a passage of Scripture multiple times, and God can bring new insight to your mind when you read it again? I have posted about Romans 12:1-2 before, but recently I was reading it in a slightly larger context, through verse 8. This time, I believe God wanted to show me a deeper meaning to these words, to show how He looks at what we do with our lives as a potential act of worship.

If you’d like to read the whole passage: Romans 12:1-8

In verse 1, God urges us to offer our bodies (our physical lives) to God’s use:

  • sacrificially – we often have to sacrifice our will to follow God’s
  • holy – be willing to set ourselves apart for God’s use
  • when we do this, God is pleased
  • why? because God is merciful to us, we do it as a response of gratitude

It is not easy to do this, because we are naturally inclined to do what we want, and because we do not like giving up control, even to an all-knowing God. Sometimes, it’s hard because we may not know exactly what God’s will is in a given situation. But verses 2-3 show us how we can offer ourselves to God in this act of worship:

  • Don’t just go along with the ways of the world/culture (v2).
  • Transform how you think by renewing your mind with God’s Word (v2).
  • Don’t be conceited, but be humble. Realize that whatever measure of faith (or gifts or talents) you have, comes from God (v3).

The passage then goes on to describe how each believer in Christ is to be a functioning member of the body of Christ. So I think one of the main ways God wants us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices, to offer this kind of worship to God, is to use the gifts, time and talents that God has given us to support other Christians. Of course, God also wants us to serve those outside of the church. There are many passages of Scripture that teach about that. However, the focus in this passage is on serving fellow believers in a local church body.

It is important to keep some things in mind as we participate and contribute to the body of Christ in a local church.

  • We should do the best we can with our gifts (v6-8).
  • We should serve each other humbly, not comparing our contribution to that of others, because all tasks have to be done, and it is God who decides what each person should do, through the gifts He gives (v3,6).
  • Serving others in humility is easier if we take the perspective that, as members of the body of Christ, we belong to each other (v4-5).

It is this sacrificial service to others, by allowing God to use us however He wants, that in itself is an act of worship, because we’re acknowledging God as Lord over our very lives.

Lent Fasting

During this season of Lent, many Christians take up the practice of giving something up.  You may ask, ‘What does this have to do with worship?’  Romans 12:1 says “I urge you…to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.”  As I mentioned in a previous blog, worship is not just what you do on Sundays, it should be a lifestyle that indicates your dedication to and adoration of God. Adopting this familiar Lenten practice is a great way to do that.

What is the point of giving something up for Lent?  Is it just to see if we can go without a creature comfort for a few weeks?  Is it a way to begin a new resolution, to start up a new habit, to break a bad habit? During Lent we should take time to focus on the suffering and the sacrifice that Jesus went through to save us from our sins.  On one level, giving up something for Lent is a response to all that Jesus gave up for us (Phil 2:6-7).  On another level, we can give up something that distracts us from our relationship with God in order to add something that draws us closer to God. 

 May you find a new way to worship God this season, whether it’s giving something up, adding a spiritual discipline, or both!

Worship as a Lifestyle

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – which is your spiritual act of worship. 

Romans 12:1-2

“Therefore.” This passage is set up by the first 11 chapters of the book of Romans, which provide an understanding of who the believer is, in Christ.  “Offer your bodies.” What matters is putting our faith into action.  “as living sacrifices.” Christ died so that the Old Testament practice of offering sacrifices would no longer be necessary. But God asks us here to make other kinds of sacrifices – of time, of personal plans, to name a couple. “Spiritual act of worship.” In other translations, this is rendered “spiritual service” or “reasonable service.”  Worship is not just sitting through, or even participating in, a church service. Worship is also how we choose to live our lives every day, by sacrificing our own inherently selfish desires to serve others as God directs us.  Living our lives in service to others gives glory to God, and should be a natural flow of action from our experience in a worship service.

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